Bjørn Ravlo-Leira


I am Bjørn.
Im 26 year old and an service designer industrial design student!
Currently I am writing my masters thesis in service design for St. Olavs Hospital Lung Cancer department.

This page will hopefully give you a good impression of who I am and what I do.

If there is anything more you’re wondering about, send me a mail at if you are near Bakklandet in Trondheim, just shout loudly and maybe ill hear you ;)


Side projects
  1. Audiovisuals
  2. Graphics for musicans and others
  3. AnyoneCanCode
  4. Elvesus
  5. Illustrations

Other ideas

Cool Stuff

A collection of corners on the internet that I find amusing, so maybe you will to!

  1. ThisChairDoesNotExist - Autogenerated Chairs
  2. FoldnFly - Paper plane folding for everyone
  3. PlayPhrase - Find movies from quotes
  4. Spline - 3D-modelling in browser
  5. Neal - More and more complicated trolley problems
  6. EarthFM - Sounds of the earth
  7. Supershapes - Make crazy shapes
  8. Gridzzly - All types of grids, yeah!
  9. Fockups - Realistic Mockups

Effisense - UX-design

Gullgruven is the fictional name of a startup crypto bank
Developing a customer portal on top of an existing IoT-plattform. The client has developed an IoT-plattform with connected units that are placed within trashcans. The units then reads how full each can is. Our task was to develop a customer portal on top of the existing IoT-platform to streamline the prosess of emptying cans. The solution is ment for customers who administrate many cans, like municipalities, amusement parks etc.

We started off by getting to know the clients own team and the IoT-platform. In order to be able to communicate all the available information in the best possible way we started prototyping on paper and on Figma very quick. We sorted the process into two-week stages and set part time goals for each period in order to stay effective and being able to report our progress to the client as often as they required.

We did rapid prototyping through the whole prosess in order to fail and learn fast, always with the focus on the main user

The result was a dashboard which gathers and sorts information, then presents it to the user in an easy and understandable way.

My role:
My role in this team as the sole designer, working with four developers, a project manager and a in-house team on the client side as well was to make sure we did not lose focus on the end user. I hadd the responsibility for the UX design and flow through the application we developed. I was also responsible for user testing and final presentation with our client and again their clients. 

Link to website

Link to dashboard

Link to figma prototype

Screenshorts from deliverance