Bjørn Ravlo-Leira


I am Bjørn. Im 25 year old and an industrial design student on the 5th year! Im also a consultant, service designer and on good days I play piano, host music events and make visual expressions.

Currently I work for NoA Ignite as a UX designer. I am also writing my masters thesis in service design for St. Olavs Hospital Lung Cancer department.

This page will hopefully give you a good impression of who I am and what I do.

If there is anything more you’re wondering about, send me a mail at if you are near Bakklandet in Trondheim, just shout loudly and maybe ill hear you ;)


Side projects
  1. Siden Sist - Exibition
  2. Audiovisuals
  3. Graphics for musicans and others
  4. AnyoneCanCode
  5. Elvesus
  6. Illustrations

Other ideas

Cool Stuff

A collection of corners on the internet that I find amusing, so maybe you will to!

  1. ThisChairDoesNotExist - Autogenerated Chairs
  2. FoldnFly - Paper plane folding for everyone
  3. PlayPhrase - Find movies from quotes
  4. Spline - 3D-modelling in browser
  5. Neal - More and more complicated trolley problems
  6. EarthFM - Sounds of the earth
  7. Supershapes - Make crazy shapes
  8. Gridzzly - All types of grids, yeah!
  9. Fockups - Realistic Mockups

Services design to optimise patients
information journey for lung cancer.

Masters Thesis, Bjørn Ravlo-Leira.
Leader: Masters thesis Supervisor-Ashis Jalote Parmar and Co. Supervisor Dr. Håkon Olav Leira
Collaborator: Lung cancer section, Dept , Thoracic Medicine, St. Olavs Hospital, NTNU

*Ongoing project


The project involves a combination of secondary and primary research to investigate the ongoing development with end users. It involves an opportunity to learn about service design innovation and information design.

After a suspicion of lung cancer, the diagnostic process usually takes 6-8 weeks, involving multiple hospital visits, radiology exams and biopsies. The patients are on average 70 years old, with limited knowledge of the human lungs and the concept of cancer, cancer diagnostics and treatment. The amount of information the patients and their next of kin need to understand and accept is immense, all while they are in a state of shock due to the life-threatening disease. the lung cancer unit at the Dept Thoracic Medicine, St. Olavs hospital, we intend to introduce the concept of “pre-habilitation” for our patients, a quite new concept which includes training, nutrition, and information/mental support during the diagnostic period. The goal is to improve the patients health and disease knowledge, to make them better cope with the disease and more fit for the following treatment. Doctors and cancer nurses will cooperate with the Geriatrics department, physiotherapists, nutrition specialists and others.

Project link: Here