Bjørn Ravlo-Leira


I am Bjørn. Im 25 year old and an industrial design student on the 5th year! Im also a consultant, service designer and on good days I play piano, host music events and make visual expressions.

Currently I am writing my masters thesis in service design for St. Olavs Hospital Lung Cancer department.

This page will hopefully give you a good impression of who I am and what I do.

If there is anything more you’re wondering about, send me a mail at if you are near Bakklandet in Trondheim, just shout loudly and maybe ill hear you ;)


Side projects
  1. Audiovisuals
  2. Graphics for musicans and others
  3. AnyoneCanCode
  4. Elvesus
  5. Illustrations

Other ideas

Cool Stuff

A collection of corners on the internet that I find amusing, so maybe you will to!

  1. ThisChairDoesNotExist - Autogenerated Chairs
  2. FoldnFly - Paper plane folding for everyone
  3. PlayPhrase - Find movies from quotes
  4. Spline - 3D-modelling in browser
  5. Neal - More and more complicated trolley problems
  6. EarthFM - Sounds of the earth
  7. Supershapes - Make crazy shapes
  8. Gridzzly - All types of grids, yeah!
  9. Fockups - Realistic Mockups

4. Tripper - Graphic- and Strategic Design

New logo

The company Clean Car Insurance (client), an car insurance start-up, contacted Junior Consulting wanting to redesign their app and with it a new identity for the company.

The client bases their insurance an AI patterns which analyses driving patterns for any driver at all times. The AI will determine your liability on a scale from one to ten, based on every decision you have made on your trips.

Our initial task was to create a user-friendly design that emphasises the clients modern approach to a giant market. We were two UX-designers on the team as well as a project manager and consultants from Greater Than, the company which makes the AI that the apps rating system is based on.

Our first suggestion was to change the name of the company, this out of two reasons. Firstly, Clean Car Insurance is long and does not reflect the modern approach to a traditional market the same way the business strategy does. Secondly, people, when hearing the name, think it is a car  wash. We came up with Tripper. The name is short, catchy and includes the word “Trip”, which made it ideal for our purpose. 

The biggest part of the process started by researching existing products, analysing their strengths and weaknesses and then creating functional prototypes. We held an intense Google Design Sprint were we split up and discovered different approaches to the challenge.

Throughout this process, as we started to look into the overall goals of the company, we raised several questions to the client, although it was outside the contract-determined tasks. Questions such as: “Why should a bad driver buy this insurance?”, “What will the starting grade of a new customer be?” and “dmdm” led to the client expanding the project from graphic design to graphic- and strategic improvements. 

In this new part of the project, the client wanted us to continue giving feedback such as this, so he could implement new features to the app.

The project was sadly put on ice as we recommended the client to do extensive user testing. Our reason was that there are several other, similar products in Europe, but this has to be fitted to Norwegian customers. When the client disagreed with us, we did not feel capable of delivering a result we could be proud of and backed out of the agreement. The deliveries then became only graphic.

Link to figma prototype
